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Location Film Steiermark

"Beyond amazing"

The new location film does not just showcase the treasures of the province, but also the advantages of Steiermark as a location. That is why the protagonist not only takes viewers on a journey through the Green Heart, but also talks about life in Steiermark.

Depicting Steiermark in all its beauty and diversity is a mammoth task - especially if you only have three minutes. But the Steirische Tourismus und Standortmarketing GmbH- STG rose to the challenge with Graz-based film agency Shot Shot Shot, creating the new location film "Styria. Everything you know. Just better."

The aim of the film is to provide a closer look at location Steiermark for workers and specialists from abroad in particular. Because the Green Heart is not just a popular holiday destination, but also:

  • a vibrant economic engine with internationally renowned companies
  • a cultural hotspot with an extensive schedule of events
  • a safe place to live with excellent health care
  • an Eldorado for sport and nature lovers
  • a great place for further education of all kinds
  • ideal for children and families

In order to be able to bring all of these white-green advantages into the spotlight, the new location film features a young woman who talks about her new life in Steiermark: from the extensive employment and educational opportunities to leisure activities and the famous Styrian wine.

In addition to the three-minute version there are shorter versions for YouTube and social media with specific thematic perspectives to reach certain target groups. The location film was consciously produced in English to address international workers and specialists in particular. Both the long and short versions are available with English subtitles.


► In addition to our Location Film in Mandarin, we also offer our "Magazine Steiermark 101" in Chinese language. If you have more detailed questions about the Chinese economic area or documents in Chinese language, please contact Confucius Institute Director Dr. Wan Jie Chen at or by telephone on +43 (0)316 380 - 7380

Location Film Steiermark


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