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Get to know Steiermark

Magazine Steiermark 101

With the new "Steiermark 101" magazine, the STG gives potential workers and specialists a compact overview of living and working in the Green Heart of Austria. The publication presents Steiermark as an appealing home in a way that readers from around the world will understand.

There’s a lot to tell you about Steiermark. So much that we could easily write entire books about it, which would be interesting, but perhaps a little much for a first impression. And that’s where 101 comes in. This number stands internationally for "introduction", and in our case for a basic introduction to Steiermark. And that's precisely what we want to achieve with this booklet, namely to give an overview of everything that makes the Green Heart so endearing. We talk about sports and leisure, innovation and health, work and quality of life, about all the factors that make our region special and are important to the people who live here. Because they all go hand in hand and fit together like a circle to form a harmonious whole. This is reflected in the graphic on the cover, based on a "dancing" 101. Welcome to Steiermark. Everything revolves around the Green Heart across these pages.


In addition to the general material in German, English and Mandarin, Styrian companies, institutions and organisations have the opportunity to present themselves on four extra pages in the middle of the magazine. This is primarily intended to address those who are already interested in a job or training with a Styrian company, but would also like to learn more about the state.

► In addition to our "Magazine Steiermark 101" in Mandarin, we also offer our location film in Chinese language. If you have more detailed questions about the Chinese economic area or documents in Chinese language, please contact Confucius Institute Director Dr. Wan Jie Chen at or by telephone on +43 (0)316 380 - 7380


To download "Steiermark 101" in German or English, simply register your contact details. If you would like to create a tailored version of the magazine, please contact us by e-mail.